George Evelyn Wood (1922 - 1997)

If we are lucky we meet kindred spirits travelling in the same direction through life. If we are really lucky we keep each other company for a while. Not all the time, but when chance and the need for pleasant society meet.

George was one such man I met. We laughed, we drank, we showed each other a little of our true souls and then we parted. The best I can say of him is that 20 years later, whenever I think of him - and I do so often - there's a smile on my face and laughter in my heart. Cheers buddy wherever you are...

George Wood (r) - RM Cdo & Party Animal - 1922-97

No more runs ashore my friend,

No more runs ashore.

No more 'barking at the moon'

Or talking of the war

No more winding landlords up

Or drinking Pernods down.

No more "walking-on" to see

Who drinks about the town.

"Hello old boy!" your phrase rang out,

You started like a deer.

Then settled down - your greeting done

And drank another beer.

We talked of many distant things,

I followed your long dance,

Through village ways and army life

And to that beach in France.

A young man with an old man's bones

You sang the songs of youth,

But hidden in your twinkling eyes

There lurked a darker truth.

For you had seen the worst of times

Through mankind's darkest ways

But you survived and journeyed home

To drink on brighter days.

Now that is how I think of you -

A laugh, a comment wry.

Sitting on the Stoep replete

As your glass runs dry.

Shore leave is all spent old friend,

The tide's gone out for good.

Let's hope that God's stocked up with wine,

To soak the new laid Wood.
