

I have found that nearly all love is unrequited.

 People falling in love and feeling the same way about each other are rarer than rocking horse shit.

And the chances of them recognizing what they have and staying together?

Rarer than Unicorn droppings!


I see your face in every crowded bar.
I hear your name called out to me over and over again.
I sit and wonder, sometimes what you must be doing.
I can’t even remember why the hell we had to part.
You were the first one, I ever wanted,
And it’s you that I think of, every night before sleep.
It’s your name I scream out, whenever I’m dreaming.
And it’s you that is hurting whenever I’m feeling pain.

Fumbling in the darkness, long ago on a cold night.
Warm words and tenderness with the harsh rain outside.
I want to believe it happened, but I can’t believe it happened.
I want to stop the pain before it breaks me up inside.
You were the first one that I ever wanted,
And it’s you that I cling to, when things are going wrong.
I want you here beside me, just you and me together,
Kissing and holding hands and closing the World out from inside.
